
diet, water weight loss, diet and water

You’re thirsty? What do you reach for? If the answer is a soda, even a diet soda, you may be hindering your progress.

Turn that drink around and read the nutritional label. What you won’t find, is anything to help you on your journey or nourishment for your body! Are you ready to swap that soda for a healthy thirst quencher?

If you’re not ready to give up soft drinks completely, try replacing just one a day with water or green tea for a week. Then, replace another and another. Before you know it, you will be closer to your goal and healthier too!

Trust me, I understand how difficult it is to make this change. I used to drink 10-12 20 oz. bottles of soft drinks a day! That was up to 3,600 empty, unnourishing calories a day! It has been almost 3 years since I have touched a soda. Praise God! I have been freed from that addiction! For me that is what it was, an addiction! Make it one of your goals to trade in at least one soda or other unhealthy drink a day for a week and see how much better you feel, not to mention other benefits you will notice.

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