Happy Valentines Day!
A few years back I made the decision to love myself. It was one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made. It benefited me because I began to believe that I was important and that I deserved to lose weight and get healthy. I always used to say, “I’m a fat person living in a skinny person’s body”. I would get down on myself because of my weight. I always compared myself to others. In this society it’s hard not to focus on our outward appearance. Once I began to love ME, I found the confidence to finally start my journey. I begin to realize that it was okay to leave the kids with my husband while I went and worked out. I’m a giver. I always have been and probably always will be. It was tough to “let go of the reigns” so to speak and ask my husband and my mom for help with the kids. As I began to work out and started to lose weight, I noticed that I became a better wife and mother. I had more energy for playing with my children. My husband was so proud of me and it “sparked” our relationship.
So, let me encourage you today – LOVE YOURSELF!! You absolutely deserve it.