Be the Turtle

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Last week, we discussed how important is to slow down during meals. Now, lets talk about a few ways to accomplish this task. To begin with, we will often eat quickly if we are too hungry.

Let’s ward off excess hunger by eating every 3-4 hours. If you find yourself starving and dinner is still too far away, grab an apple. A small apple has only about 63 calories and is packed with fiber and lots of other nutrients. In addition, drink some water. Your stomach can only hold so much volume, so if water is taking up that room, you are getting a zero calorie alternative to feeling hungry.

If you don’t like apples or you can’t easily keep one with you, look for the healthiest snack you can find. Try protein bars, any fruit or vegetable. Just look for something low calorie that won’t ruin all of the work and sacrifice you have put into the rest of the day.

Now, on to meal time. During a meal, you may still be in the habit of eating the whole enchilada in one bite. In order to stop this, try some of these tricks to help you slow down and enjoy your food

  • Eat with a fork. Most people eat finger foods much faster, so no matter the menu, choose to eat with silverware.
  • Put that fork down! Set your fork down between every bite.
  • Socialize. Enjoy spending meal time with those you are sharing it with. If you are alone, then utilize the time to talk to God. He’ll be happy to listen!
  • Imagine that if you are eating fast, it makes you appear really ugly to other people….Because guess what, it really does. I’m a fast eater and yet, I have found I don’t enjoy sitting down to a meal next to someone who is shoveling in food and can’t stop to talk or worse, talks with their mouth full (and no, I don’t mean my kids).
  • Book enough time for meal. Don’t use being in a hurry as an excuse. Learn to say no to others and yes to your own health! After all, you don’t want the next time they see you to be at your funeral!
  • Don’t pick up the next bite until you have finished eating and swallowing the one in your mouth. Yep, sometimes we get in a hurry and we haven’t enjoyed one bite before we’re prepared for the next.
  • Drink a sip of water between each bite. This is three fold. First, you will slow down your eating. Second, you will be getting closer to the day’s water goal with every sip and third, you will be eating less because you will feel full faster! It’s a win-win thing.
  • Finally, remember to do all things as if God were right there beside you….Because, in fact, He is!

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