Test of Fitness

At the point I am at now, it is often easy to forget how far I have came. I encourage each and everyone one of you to track your success in many ways. One of these ways is a regular fitness test. About once each month, see how far you have came with a simple set of fitness drills to track your progress. An example of a fitness test that I have done before includes:

  • Drill 1 – Do as many crunches as you can in 2 minutes.
  • Drill 2 – Do as many push-ups (regular, modified or wall) as you can in 2 minutes.
  • Drill 3 – Hold a wall squat as long as you can.
  • Drill 4 – Hold your arms out to your sides (at shoulder height) as long as you can.
  • Drill 5 – Do 150 step-ups (non-stop) using a 6 or 8 inch step.
  • Drill 6 – Hold a plank (on toes or knees) as long as you can.
  • Drill 7 – Hold a bridge as long as you can.
  • Drill 8 – Do as many jumping jacks, mountain climbers, high-knees, of jump-rope skips as you can in 2 minutes (pick an exercise that is challenging but SAFE for you to do).
  • Drill 9 – See how long it takes you to walk/jog a mile.

By keeping track of your results, you can measure your success in the improvements you make each month. You might be amazed at how fast you can see a change. I know I was!