Do you really want to lose weight? Do you really want to be healthy? Are you really ready to lose weight? If so, you must make changes.
No one else can determine how important your health is to you. No one else can determine if you should eat or drink what is in your diet. No one else can exercise for you.
You and you alone have the power to change what you do and how you live. I know first hand how many years can be wasted struggling to lose weight and fighting against myself to reach my goals.
In Dr. Wayne Andersen’s book “Dr A’s Habits of Health”, he writes “choosing the direction your path takes begins by understanding that life isn’t a reality show-it’s real, and it’s the only life you’ve got. You can’t wait passively for doctors, weight gurus, or drug companies to come up with a solution. Your health isn’t a spectator sport!”
So are you ready to get off the sidelines and seek solutions to your health and weight problems? Are you ready to take action? I know the day I chose to make a change is the day I took back control of my life and started living the life I wanted!