A common remedy recommend to everyone, not just those wanting to lose weight, is a detox program. Many detox programs are harsh and leave you running to the restroom at every turn. Those programs may clean out your body but not really detox it.
The one I like to use is the 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program manufactured by Herbalife. This gentle program is easy to use. You simply take 2 of the am pills each morning and 2 of the pm pills each night for 21 days. This formula is designed to clean the ville in the intestines to help it better absorb nutrients as they pass through.
I pair this with aloe. I love the mango flavored aloe concentrate. I take 3 capfuls a day. Aloe is a fantastic detoxer. Aloe not only helps coat our digestive system to make elimination more regular and easy, but it also binds to any toxins to help our body eliminate them.
A regular detox is important to everyone’s health. After-all, just because a toxin found its way into our body doesn’t mean we have to keep it! Are you ready to detox?