Are you looking for something and just can’t find it? Well, be sure to use our search feature in the toolbar at the top of the page. Just click on the magnifying glass, type in your search term
, hit enter (or click the icon) and your results will be revealed. If you still can’t find the answer to what you’re looking for, contact us, and we will be happy to help.
Author: ElizabethDyer
How Much Information Should I Reveal?
Well, the answer to that is simple ~ no more than you feel comfortable with revealing. We are not going to ask anyone about their personal information from their address to their weight and display that publicly. We respect your privacy at all times. At the same time, you are free to reveal anything you like about yourself. However, we do want to remind all members that we do NOT run any type of background check on our members, so what you tell, if you ever meet anyone in person and any other activities are strictly at your own risk. Please see our complete Terms of Service Policy for all of the details.
Choosing a Screen Name
Choosing a screen name can be very important for any site. Screen names are often written in stone so to speak (or the database, in reality), so they are not easily changed. A screen name or log~in name must be unique for every user of a site. That means that if 2 people have the same first name and they both want to use their first name, then only the original user will get to choose that name.
This also brings up another good point, sometimes people want to use their real name and sometimes they want to make up a name or use a nick name. If you want to remain anonymous, then you should chose a screen name or username that is cute or funny (but not vulgar). Something like SkinnyMe or TheNewMe. Names like this will allow you to be more open without worrying about the wrong person reading your post and judging you. Whatever name you pick, we’re glad to have you on board!
How Do I Register for the Site?
Registering for the site is simple. Just go the Register page and enter in your desired username and email address. A case sensitive password will then be emailed to you. You can immediately begin using the free features of our site. Enjoy!
Log~in Help
New Users are emailed an assigned password. The password is case sensitive.
If you have any problems, please email with your email account and desired password & your account will be reset.
Once you log~in for the first time, you can go to your profile via a link in the top toolbar and change your password into anything you can remember.
We hope you enjoy the site!
Expand Your Circle
Sometimes I have been surprised by the family and friends that although perhaps not completely unsupportive of my weight loss, they weren’t as encouraging as I had expected either. Perhaps some were jealous or had other personal issues going on.
At the same time, I found numerous people that were so amazing. Their support had been completely unexpected. Some of them shared how they too had struggled to lose weight. Two ladies had even shared their battle with anorexia, recognizing the relational problem with food as truly the same process.
What I learned quickly was that I needed to expand my support circle. God sent people int my life that were on or had reached their weight loss goals. He also sent people that would give me a word of encouragement when I felt down or “stuck” on my journey.
Had I never opened myself up to new friends, new experiences, and been willing to share both victories and defeats, I would have missed out on so many new friends. So, look for new friends at the park you walk at, the gym you join, and the weight loss challenge you participate in. Your new lifestyle will take you to lots of new places and introduce you to new faces.
What about you, are you ready to expand your circle of friends? Has God already sent new friends your way? If you are looking but not finding consider joining a weight loss challenge.
Does it Count?
A question asked again and again is whether or not a drink counts as water. Well, let’s shed some light on the subject.
Our bodies digest everything we eat and drink together. It breaks those foods and drinks down into usable compounds our bodies need to survive. Water is in all types of foods as well as drinks.We do not have to give our bodies pure water for it to utilize the water in our diet. We can drink the Crystal Light and the Mio and still count it as water. However, the colas and the fruit juice get harder to count because the true amount of water in them is questionable and an exact calculation is usually impossible.
I would much rather see someone break an addiction to colas or some other sugary drink with flavored water than to continue struggling to lose weight. Water is key to weight loss, so swap the colas for flavored water until you learn to love pure water. I know you can do this! Make the small changes and see the difference.